

Profile Lulusan:Hakim pengadil-an agama bidang ekonomi &

bisnis syariah Konsultan bisnis syariah Notaris Syariah

Arbiter bisnis dan keuangan syariah  Praktisi lembaga keuangan syariah untuk legal & contract drafterPengacara di bidang bisnis ekonomi syariahPeneliti dan akademisiDewan pengawas syariah Panitera di pengadilan agama




Profesional di bidang hukum; Hakim, Panitera, Jaksa, Pengacara, dan Notaris Akademisi dalam bidang hukum keluargaPegawai pada instansi dan lembaga yang bergerak dalam bidang hukum Konsultan hukum keluarga Islam dan hukum perdata yang profesional Peneliti untuk isu-isu hukum keluarga



  • Legal OfficerMediator Peneliti Muda
  • Konsultan SyariahLegal Drafter Praktisi Hukum Negarawan dan politisi
  • Pejabat Dinas Konsuler Luar Negeri





HTC’s Incredible Has an Incredible First Month Launch (3)

The highly anticipated HTC Incredible Android phone hit the shelves this month. Most of the major stores were sold out of the phone in just a few short hours of its release.

Is this just a sign of this things to come for the new Droid series? Has the iPhone finally met it’s match?Is this just a sign of this things to come for the new Droid series? Has the iPhone finally met it’s match?Is this just a sign of this things to come for the new Droid series? Has the iPhone finally met it’s match?Is this just a sign of this things to come for the new Droid series? Has the iPhone finally met it’s match?Is this just a sign of this things to come for the new Droid series? Has the iPhone finally met it’s match?

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Jurusan yang anda minati

Hukum Keluarga - 31.3%
Hukum Ekonomi Syariah - 32.3%
Hukum Tata Negara - 33.8%

Total votes: 399
The voting for this poll has ended on: 31 Dec 2018 - 00:00



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